WIN Singapore

WIN Singapore



Celebrating Women in Infrastructure

The Women’s Infrastructure Network (WIN) is an inclusive global network operating in the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the United Kingdom. Infrastructure Asia is proud to launch the Singapore Chapter, at the Asia Infrastructure Forum 2024.

Recognising the role of women in driving the infrastructure sector forward, we are excited to provide an inclusive community for networking, exchanging ideas and empowering women to become leaders in their own fields.

About WIN Singapore
WIN Singapore is the first of its kind in Asia and we hope to leverage on our regional and international networks to deliver opportunities for women to increase their visibility, professional network and contribute to discussion issues relevant to the global infrastructure agenda.

Why join WIN Singapore?

WIN Singapore is open to women (and allies of women) of all levels working across the infrastructure value chain. We welcome you to join us in shaping a more diverse and dynamic infrastructure sector in Singapore and beyond.

Past WIN Singapore Event

Hosted by EY, the inaugural WIN Singapore event connected female leaders, changemakers and rising stars in infrastructure who came together to exchange ideas and experiences - highlighting the diverse pathways available for women pursuing careers in infrastructure.

WIN Singapore Advisors


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